A Muslim woman needs a liberal feminist, like a fish needs a bicycle
Second-wave feminist icon, Gloria Steinem, in a classic moment of 2 dimensional political analysis offered the following quote in reference to Hugh Hefner, "He's such a jerk. He's so pathetic. ... Now's he's going around with four young women in their 20s instead of just one. It's sort of Moslem, actually." [Published in the New York Observer]Charming, Gloria. So "Moslem" is the benchmark of all things misogynist?
This construction of Islam as the convenient foil to feminism [read western feminism] is getting really tired and old. Surely, Gloria must have some clue as to how completely problematic it is to use Muslim women as a prop in this way only to make a point. And surely, someone in her circle might be able to let her know the ramifications of this type of thing. Not only is she erasing the space from which feminist Muslims speak, she is also serving to construct a dichotomy in which any place that is "not Muslim" is good and egalitarian and anything that is "Muslim" is misogynist and savage. This is a familiar imperial trope that serves to over simplify the struggles of Muslim women and erase the complexities of the struggles of all other women.
Baby, you still have a long way to go.
12 comment(s):
Anonymous, at
12/18/2005 09:40:00 AM
Leila M., at
12/18/2005 09:42:00 PM
Gloria Steinam is a major and very important force in feminism.
Anonymous, at
12/18/2005 09:54:00 PM
Much of the publications are geared towards what you call "second wave feminism." The "third wave" has not been able to get its voice heard because of the way "second wave" dominates the discourse, both in academia, and in activist circles. (This is parallel to how the dominant class dominates social change politics, and do not allow significant challenges to their power - maybe, if you are willing to act and do as told.)
Anonymous, at
12/19/2005 12:02:00 PM
Much of the publications are geared towards what you call "second wave feminism." The "third wave" has not been able to get its voice heard because of the way "second wave" dominates the discourse, both in academia, and in activist circles. (This is parallel to how the dominant class dominates social change politics, and do not allow significant challenges to their power - maybe, if you are willing to act and do as told.)
Anonymous, at
12/19/2005 12:03:00 PM
I'm sorry but you White liberals just don't get it, you never will.
Anonymous, at
12/19/2005 12:41:00 PM
Feminism = White Women taking the best jobs thanx to their White brothers. And keep Black sisters at the bottom, while they cry crocoddile tears.
Anonymous, at
12/19/2005 01:35:00 PM
Is feminism only one thing? Of course not -- that's what is being pointed out. I mean, consider bell hooks' writings on women of color in the feminist movement -- you have read at least some of them, right? Right?
As for the article: it isn't a generalization, unless you consider pointing out something that's both widespread and deeply rooted a "generalization." The domination of the feminist movement by white middle class women is well documented (again, read bell hooks.) That doesn't mean that white feminists, as women, have nothing to offer, nor does it mean that there's no there there when it comes to POC feminist discourse -- but that's not what's being discussed.
To be honest, it feels like you're attempting to obscure the issue.
- A mixed-race feminist who continues to sing the miscegenation blues, who continues to figure out her role within Islam, and who prefers to remain anonymous for now (whew).
Anonymous, at
12/21/2005 12:54:00 AM
Both in this thread, and in the thread about the liquor store, you seem to keep coming back to this business about overcoming racism in your community. While that work is important, it's not what the conversations were/are about in these threads. Pull up a chair and listen, and maybe you'll learn something about views of feminism (not to mention Islam) that aren't the same as yours.
ps: please don't say "but we're agreeing," you know what I'm talking about. listening instead of throwing in yet another comment is what's called for here.
Anonymous, at
12/21/2005 09:56:00 AM
So no, it is not just between you and one other person. It is between you and at least three other persons.
And yes, I agree with the last anon. poster - "listening instead of throwing in yet another comment is what's called for here."
Anonymous, at
12/21/2005 11:06:00 AM
A HINT....if we find out the difference between sight and insight, we will surely find some logic to lots of riddles...DON'T U AGREE?
Almighty Allah's knowledge is limitless and His power to plan and to execute His plans is infinite. He is also the Creator of man and his deeds. This does not in any way make man fatalist or helpless. He has endowed us with the power of mind in order that we may have the freedom and ability to think, plan and choose our own way of life. But our limited sphere of knowledge and power makes us fail to understand fully or discover Allah's wisdom and justice in what He creates or does. So we should accept in good faith and satisfaction all that Allah does, as our knowledge is limited and our thinking is based on individual or personal considerations, whereas He is Omniscient, All-Seeing, All-Wise, Almighty - His knowledge and Justice are not limited or encompassed by the narrow horizon or sphere of man's knowledge. Allah's timeless knowledge anticipates events, and those events take place according to the exact knowledge of Allah, without forcing man to take any course of action, whether good or evil.
So man bears responsibility in so far as he enjoys the freedom to think and behave. Destiny, in so far as it concerns man's behavior, does not bear any hint of coercion. In its Islamic import, it denotes the happening of things according to Allah's exact infallible knowledge.
sara, at
12/26/2005 12:09:00 PM
The only evidence of ignorance I can see around here is anti-white sentiment. Its a barrier to intelligent debate, and if you don't believe in the value of that, why the hell are you here?
Julaybib, at
12/27/2005 12:19:00 PM
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