And now presenting... "Moderate, Pluralist Islam"

The "Center for Islamic Pluralism" was founded on March 25th by neo-con Stephen Schwartz, and others.
From Pipe's weblog:
From Pipe's weblog:
A few articles on Schwartz's background:
Exposing "terror experts"
Neo-conservatism and Stephen Schwartz
Understanding Stephen Schwartz
Another of this groups founders is:
Nawab Agha of the American Islamic Congress -
And another is Zuhdi Jasser: chairman, American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Others listed as founders (feel free to look up these characters, and what they are about, and please leave any info. you find in the comments section below):
Kemal Silay, CIP president: professor of Ottoman and modern Turkish culture at Indiana University.
Ahmed Subhy Mansour: former professor, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, author of Penalty of Apostasy:
A Study of Islamic Law, and members of the group "free muslims."
Salim Mansur: professor of political science, University of Western Ontario, and columnist, Toronto Sun.
Khaleel Mohammed, assistant professor of religious studies at San Diego State University, and member of the group called "free muslims."
Tashbih Sayyed: publisher, Muslim World Today.
Cartoon by Khalil Bendib, a syndicated Muslim cartoonist based in Berkeley, CA
StudioBendib, All rights reserved.
For more Bendib cartoons, click
4 comment(s):
Julaybib, at
4/01/2005 01:06:00 AM
Ahmed Subhy Mansour and Khaleel Muhammad are members of the ultra-secular, Pipes-friendly 'Free Muslims Against Terrorism', which seems to claim that just about every Muslim alive has a packet of plastic explosive tucked in his/her vest - except supporters of FMAT, of course!
Their website is best viewed while listening to the American National Anthem (opus Dubya):
Julaybib, at
4/01/2005 01:24:00 AM
The funny on that site was Schwartz claming he had the ear of shi'as worldwide.
HUHU yeah right.
Leila M., at
4/02/2005 07:27:00 PM
Anonymous, at
4/28/2005 08:29:00 AM
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