Announcing New Online Zine: Hot Coals
Introducing Hot Coals, an online zine published weekly by The Abu Dharr Collective.The Collective hopes to make Hot Coals a popular online resource for Muslims striving for social justice, peace, beauty and spirituality in our lives and interactions with each other. We hope that collectively this site grows and becomes something inspiring and stimulating, and it becomes part of the growing movement(s) against oppression (zulm) amongst Muslims and beyond.
Inshallah, our forum intends to bring together community members, activists and thinkers who are committed to the realization of a genuinely Tawhidi society, wherein all of God's peoples and creations can be liberated from zulm, bondage, and marginalization.
For more information, or if you would like to submit an article, please write to us:
The Abu Dharr Collective
Ahead of you are days which will require endurance, in which showing endurance will be like holding hot coals - Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings upon him)
The Abu Dharr Collective
Junaid S. Ahmad
Fahd Ahmed
Naima Bouteldja
Saliha DeVoe-Hijazi
Farid Esack
Anna Ghonim
Na’eem Jeenah
Maha Noureldin
Trish Kanous
8 comment(s):
Irf, at
10/18/2005 07:45:00 AM
UmmAli, at
10/18/2005 01:21:00 PM
Anonymous, at
10/18/2005 07:37:00 PM
But check out the site - drop some comments over there, and submit an article or two...
Anonymous, at
10/18/2005 08:19:00 PM
Can you all refrain from this silly "proggie" label? If the group wanted to use it, it would have. You sound like little kids making fun of each other.
The group is merely loosely organized around the zine itself. We are not really an organization. The Zine welcomes writers. Send your articles to the address on the post.
Anna in PDX, at
10/18/2005 10:49:00 PM
A bit of a response, such as the use of the lable "proggie" is not all that of a bad thing.
redwood, at
10/18/2005 11:01:00 PM
The behavior of some "progressive" groups, as serious as it may be, does not excuse the silliness and rudeness of the label. for example, I do not consider the comment by "omar" to be the height of good taste. It makes the label sound very similar to "you have cooties, you have cooties, you all have cooties."
Anna in PDX, at
10/19/2005 01:06:00 AM
I have re-adopted the term 'progressive Muslim' to describe myself, but in the context of a heuristic catagorization of Muslims in Britain and other minority world nations with a dominant, secular culture...
Conservative Muslims (eg. Salafabis)- reject secular culture;
Liberal Muslims (eg. 'cultural Muslims' associated with MWU) - accomodate secular culture;
Progressive Muslims - TRANSFORM secular culture.
Julaybib, at
10/23/2005 09:12:00 AM
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