
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

When Doves Fly Away: What happens to all those birds they release?

From Slate:
"Bird rescue workers say that a ring-neck dove released in a city will likely starve—if it doesn't get hit by a car or eaten by another bird first."
I guess its all about "Peace" except for the dove.
"Dove releases are fairly common in the United States, but there aren't many laws concerning the abandonment of domestic birds. In most jurisdictions, anyone can walk into a pet store, buy some white ring-neck doves (for about $25 each), and release them at a wedding or a funeral."

You may rightfully ask "Why Loser Brother did you post this as your other posts deal with being a loser?" I answer, "Thank you for the question. And you're right, but this is a question a Loser Brother would ask. As such, I posted it for the benefit of other LBs out there."

1 comment(s):

  • Salam
    Actually at my sister's recent wedding in Ohio they rented the birds from an agency that has trained them to fly back to the agency on release. It seems that some doves are trainable to "home" to the agency they are rented from. So they aren't just tame birds released into the wild in that case. Not sure if this is the norm - and what about those mass releases of doves at events like Hiroshima rememberances?

    By Blogger Anna in PDX, at 8/10/2005 01:08:00 AM  

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