
Thursday, December 09, 2004

Something you might hear on the wind . . .

This song came to me around 1993. Verses 2, 3 and 4 are straight-up ahadith except for the pearl image, which is from a parable of Prophet Isa in the Bible (r.a.a.). A song with no music is a little awkward, but I'm putting it up here because it's what I want to say to you.

Hadith Song

Those who understand feel the Truth like sunlight, those who understand breath the Truth like air
Those who understand swim in the wide sea of Unity
Together, thank God we are together
And the lovers of Reality are one, they are one - and the lovers of Reality are one

I am not contained in My heaven and my earth, I do not fit in to My heaven and my earth
But I am contained in the heart of My believing servant, I am contained in the heart of My believing servant
Nearer to you than you are to yourself, nearer to you than your jugular vein
And the servants of Reality are one, they are one - and the servants of Reality are one

If anyone mentions Me to himself I mention him to Myself - if you mention Me in an assembly I mention you in one better than that
If you move toward Me a handspan I move toward you an arm's length
If you move toward Me a handspan I move toward you an arm's length
And if you walk toward Me I run toward you, run toward you - If you walk toward Me I run toward you

I was a hidden treasure and I desired to be known - I was a hidden treasure and I desired to be known
If anyone discernes this pearl, they sell all they have to go and buy
To purchase the field where this treasure is buried, to purchase the field where this treasure is buried
And the field is the secret human heart, human heart - and the field is the secret human heart

Ya Hadi, Ya Allah, Ya Wadoud - Ya Hadi, Ya Allah, Ya Wadoud
Speaking every language and wearing every outward form - speaking every language and wearing every outward form
The lovers of Love answer yes to your inward calling, lovers of love answer yes to your secret call
Each breath we breath for You alone, You alone - each breath we breath for You alone . . . ya Allah

2 comment(s):

  • Is it sung to the tune of something well-known? I need to hum along as I read it. :)

    By Blogger Anna in PDX, at 12/09/2004 06:03:00 AM  

  • Thanx Karima - the way these hadiths come together - like pearls on a string... :)

    "Speaking every language and wearing every outward form"
    this ties in nicely with the conversation on culture on the "how to be a muslim" post by costellojr (see below :-))

    By Blogger redwood, at 12/09/2004 01:51:00 PM  

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